Community Recycling in Plettenberg Bay
Last year in October 2012, the WIN WIN SWOP SHOP was launched, in the Industrial Area. A pilot project for the Qolweni, Bossiesgif and Pine Tree areas. Similar successful projects are in existance in other towns. Hopefully soon it will be able to expand into other improvished areas in the Greater Plettenberg Bay.
A convenient facility is provided every Thursday afternoon, for the collection of recycleable materials. The local community, including young and old, collect paper, cardboard, plastic, tin and glass. This is then brought to be weighed and exchanged for points. These points are then redeemed in the Swop Shop for much needed goods, like food, toiletries, school requisites and clothing etc. The kids love to find a good pair of togs or a soccer ball. I have seen my well worn red patent leather moccassins and an all time favourite dress go to the same lady. I couldn’t help but think what good taste she has. All goods are donated, so we rely hugely on our kind community.
This project places value on recyclable goods which in turn cleans up the environment. Prevents dumping on the already over extended land fill. Creates environmental awareness. Teaches responsibility and ownership. Finaly, empowers the individual, which has more positive benefits….
Over the last 6 months we have collected about 26 tons of recyclable materials.
The success of a project like this is all about giving. Giving of ones own recycling, time ,finances, energy, creativity and commitment.